Goal 1: Literacy
After much discussion with my mentor and team and especially with the data we have seen in regard to our students, I have decided that my literacy goal is: To learn about and c reate a wraparound literacy programme to improve outcomes in literacy Action Plan (How will I achieve this?) Become familiar with the Literacy (reading and writing) curriculum of my school. Observing other teachers' practices Readings Professional Development (Yolanda Sorryl; Louise Dempsey; RTLB) Feedback on practice (RTLB) Performance Indicators (how will I know I have achieved this?) Planning: -select resources which work on the gaps ( Weekly Planning ) -create resources to back up use of Big Books Teaching: -mindfully attack gaps using testing to assess where students are at ( Tracking ) -see improvement in spelling, reading and writing -see improvement in work effort Assessment -greater success especially measured through running records Target Date: (When?) By the end of the year Outcome: