DMIC PD5: Led by Lorrine and Soniya

Motivational discourse? (Booklet)

4 steps toward positive talk?

  • Turn and talk/ partner talk (think, pair and share)

Make it the norms to ask for evidence from those who answer correctly and not only those who answered incorrectly.

Assigned competence? - model explicitly positive behaviour, kindness, encourage positive affirmation. To build each other up. Building a learning- focused environment. I set the tone. (Don’t feel the need to rescue the child, rather sit back, observe, listen and support…)

  • Feedback/ feedforward

  • We can assign competence to the process, not just the answer.

  • Play detective to find another way to answer the question.

  • Assign competence to the actions that help other students participate. (see slides)

Noticing and responding - knowing when to add on or feed forward.

Grouping - mixed ability and social (those who can work together)


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