A great understanding of Te Ao Maori was revealed in this PD, specifically how in a sense there is a similarity between the Catholic faith and Maori spirituality.
Māori Spirituality stems from their mythology of the Creation of the world.
"Te Kore" nothingness - although there is little, there is something
"Io" Supreme Force that created everything - equivalent to God
Ranginui and Papātuānuku - In a tight embrace
Tamariki - *atua ( Tāne mahuta, Tangaroa, Rūaomoko, Rongo, etc...) - In between their parents
"Te Ao Marama" Separation of Rangi and Papā - "Let there be light" Genesis.
The concept of (Gods') time differs from our understanding of time. It says it took six days to create the world - e.g. Gods' minute = million years. No one fully understands how long it took to create the world.
God looks at faith rather than prayer. The intention matters more than words.
Atua - Whenua - Tangata: We do not exist in isolation; we co-depend on each other to exist in this world. There is no hierarchy on which element is more tapu than the other. "Everything is tapu"
Te tapu "i" - tapu is as being-in-itself
Te tapu "o" - tapu as being-in-relationship - the fruits of that relationship/
Tapu meeting tapu is dynamic (negative or positive), it is never neutral.
Mana is about relationships not deeds. Mana is a product of relationships. Mana is nurtured and is enhanced by the actions and relationships with tapu. Where there is tapu, there is mana and mana are the actual power. Therefore, mana is tapu activated. Mana cannot be lost; it can be depleted but not completely.
Mana Atua - Mana Tangata - Mana Whenua: Relationship with... God, People and Land/environment
Pono (Truth, Integrity, Fidelity) - doing all that we can do to get the truth
Tika (Just, Right order, Correct) - once pono has been established and responded to the situation then it is tika
Aroha (Communion action) - Tika is established followed by the result of an action (hug, sitting together, etc).
Wairuatanga - something of the spiritual essence (Literal definition: two water)
In regard to Christianity - the two waters are the spiritual (waiora) and physical (waituhi) realm.
Kotahitanga - Unity of purpose. can be an individual with their own beliefs but share the same goal.
- Cooperation - doing our part - each person has a role to play, if one does not do their part the project falls through
- Collaboration - priority is on the goal
Whanaungataga - Authenticity is what we need to foster and nurture in relationships. Ability to relate and be relatable.
Rangatiratanga - Leadership Transactional or Transformational. *How can I be transformational in my practice?
Pukengatanga - the pursuit of knowledge and learning - Don't teach a child to build a boat, inspire/ induce in them the love of the sea.
Kaitiakitanga: protecting, conserving and perserving something for future generations.
Turanga: A place to stand. An emotional and spiritual connection.
Turangawaewae: physical place you connect to.
Manaakitanga: Form of offering hospitality. At its root is the word MANA. How we care for one another. Valuing other people and enhancing Mana of an individual.
Te Whare Tapa Wha
Taha Hinengaro: Allow students to express their feelings. Make it the norms. Name it, Claim it and Tame it.
Taha Wairua: Spiritual health is fluid; it changes and never stays the same.
Taha Tinana:
Taha Whanau:
Karakia - the act of praying
Inoi - the prayer itself
Tapu - to set something apart/preserve the essence/ protect the sacredness/ to honour
Atua - a spirit (atua is equivalent to the saints - people pray to the saints but do not worship them)
Mana - authoritative, power,
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